Materials needed:
Hook Size #8-2 bass hook.
Thread Gray Uni-tread 6/0.
Bead Brass cone head bead with eyes.
Under-body Senyo laser dubbing gray.
Over-body 2 zonker strips, one gray, one white. Silver flash.
Put your bead on your hook.
Wrap 20-30 wraps of lead wraps, and press them into the bead.
Rotate your hook 90 degrees for this step. Get the eyes where you want them. Put a drop of thin super glue or zap-a-gap on the lead wraps and let it run down into the bead.
Measure your white zonker strip to about the length of 2 hook shanks. Separate the hair fibers at your tie in point, then tie it in with 4-6 tight wraps, then 3 wraps around just the hook shank. Leave enough room upfront to tuck into the cavity of the bead.
Make a dubbing loop.
Brush out the dubbing fibers with a toothbrush or dubbing brush.
Wrap evenly to build an under-body.
Trim the fibers from the end of the strip of leather and tuck it into the cavity of the bead.
Make sure the leather of the zonker strip is tight up against the dubbed body, and secure the leather to the hook shank with 4-6 tight wraps.
Flip the fly over, and measure your gray zonker strip to equal the length of the white one including the tag end that is tucked into the bead.
Lay the gray strip on the underside of the body. Mark the spot of the zonker strip that lays over the the point where the dubbing meets bare hook shank. Pierce the zonker strip on that mark.
Put the zonker strip in place along the bottom of the fly.
Trim the fibers off of the end of the zonker strip, and tuck the leather into the cavity of the bead.
Secure the zonker strips with 10+ tight thread wraps.
Whip finish, and trim your thread.
Apply head cement to the thread wraps.