The no-slip, no-kink, easily adjustable strike indicator (suspender).
There is no shortage of strike indicators on the market these days. I have tried them all, and while they all work, most come with pretty nasty side effects.
For example, the thingamabobbers shown in the picture on the right, kink, and damage your line. It is also a pain adjusting your depth with these types of indicators.
The yarn type indicators sink, especially with heavier flies, and they kink the link too.
The foam indicators that come with toothpick's don't kink your line, and are easy to adjust, but you can't put them on, or take them off without removing your flies. They also slip after heavy use, because the toothpick bores out the hole in the foam.
Here is a great solution that I have found.
Buy some of those foam ball, or teardrop type indicators that include little toothpicks with them.
Buy a bag of rubber bands like the ones shown in the picture above. The thin wide ones might not work properly.
Make a loop with your tippet, and feed it through the hole in the indicator... shown.
Cut your rubber band, and feed it through your tippet loop.
This is all feel. Larger size indicators require more rubber band in the hole to hold it in place. I often double up the rubber band to hold it in place.
Cut the tag end's off the rubber band, but be sure to leave enough rubber band to pull in case you need to tighten your indicator to your line.
To adjust your depth, simply hold the indicator while you slip your line up or down.
If your indicator slips too easily, double up the rubber band in the hole of the indicator.
When wet, the line "locks" to the rubber band.
This is the best strike indicator solution that I have found for my needs.
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