Thursday, June 20, 2013
Sierra bright dot
Materials needed:
Hook: TMC 203BL sizes #17-21. Any standard dry fly hook can be used.
Thread: Red, 8/0, UNI thread.
Tail: Golden pheasant tippet.
Body: Single strand or red floss.
Hackle: Grizzly.
Place the hook in your vise.
Start your thread with absolutely minimal thread wraps.
Tie in your tail. The length should equal the hook shank.
For hooks this small, it's best to find a very small golden pheasant feather. I try to find one that when tied to length, shows both black bars as shown.
Tie in a piece of grizzly hackle, slightly undersized for the hook you are using.
Wrap your hackle 3-4 turns, and tie it off.
Tie in a single strand of red floss.
Wrap your floss forward, trying not to build up too much bulk on the body, and tie it off. Make sure you leave enough room for your hackle up front.
Tie in some grizzly hackle...
..wrap the hackle 4-5 turns, tie it off, and clip the butt end of the feather.
Cut your thread and apply head cement.
Notes: With patterns this small, it is very important to use the absolute minimal thread wraps so you are not bulking up the fly. I use exactly 2 tight wraps to hold the materials in place.
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